Coffee Recipe of the Week- Americano

The Americano, also known as a Caffe Americano, a popular drink that combines hot water with your favourite blend of coffee… name an easier way to start your day… i’ll wait.

Here’s how we make ours:

Simply brew a single, or double shot of espresso. For a busy day ahead, we would recommend our Loki blend. Our Loki blend in the form of an espresso does wonders for the mind and really helps you focus on what needs to be achieved!

Now here’s the interesting bit, did you know the amount of hot water required depends on your taste buds? Some of us may prefer a weaker Americano, whilst others really enjoy that bitter, smooth taste of the espresso.
The typical Amerciano is in the ratio 2:1, 2 parts water to 1 part espresso.

What we would suggest, until you know which ratio works for you. Pick your mug, brew your desired espresso and top up to the top with water… is this strong enough for you?

Now the traditional Americano does not have milk, but if you would like to top yours off with milk feel free.

Let us know how you get on using our hashtag on social media, we would love to see your Americanos!